• Our team development programs take our team-building experiences to the next level by focusing on key areas of development for your groups..
  • We design programs that support teams and individuals develop key skills needed to perform effectively. 
  • Examples include: leadership development - effective communication - trust building - conflict resolution - change management - relationship building - individual and group behaviors and working preferences.
  • Programs can be based on our team-building programs with extended time allocated for reflection and learning. 
  • We also offer more traditional classroom based learning that can be coupled with a range of assessment tools.
  • We can combine our classroom based programs with our experiential activities in order to keep the energy levels high and to deepen learning.
  • We provide one-off and ongoing development programs.    
  • We also offer ongoing support and development through our professional coaching services.
  • Our programs can be held at any location.

Effective Communication

  • Groups experiencing communication challenges typically exhibit lack of engagement and motivation and a breakdown in trust.
  • Our effective communication programs provide development opportunities in a range of areas:
    • Vision, mission, and values
      • Every team, whether it be a multinational corporation, a high school sports team, or a 3rd grade elementary class, needs to have clarity on what it is trying to achieve and the values which guide all of its decisions, actions and behaviors.
      • Our programs ensure that groups are able to put in place clear goals and values in place and that these are effectively and consistently communicated.
    • Effective Feedback
      • Our programs are based on the premise that everyone brings their unique gifts to the group, wants to do well and has the ability to improve and grow.
      • In order to support individuals make a full contribution to the team and feel engaged and motivated, it is vital that the culture supports providing and receiving positive, relevant and effective feedback. 
      • Our program promotes:
        • The development of a culture where everyone's gifts and talents are recognized, and each other's working styles are understood and respected.
        • We are able to utilize a range of individual assessment tools to help groups indemnify and understand each other's natural work-styles.
        • The ability to provide effective and relevant feedback in a supportive and positive manner.
        • The development of a growth mindset that welcomes feedback as the opportunity to grow and learn. 
    • Conflict Resolution/Difficult Conversations
      • Our program provides participants with the tools needed to resolve conflict and hold difficult conversations in a solution focused collaborative manner where participants are motivated to seek a mutually agreed outcome rather than seek to apportion blame.

Community Development & Trust Building

  • Many groups and teams struggle to collaborate as they do not feel connected to each other and there is a lack of trust.
  • This can happen within teams as well as between different groups and departments in the same organization. 
  • Our programs, which incorporate experiential activities, promote the recognition of everyone's gifts and talents, and help individuals build positive connections.
  • We provide time for learning and reflection and support the group in developing an action plan to promote a sense of community where trust is high.


Our leadership development programs include:

  • Leadership Development for new managers
    • Our program focuses on identifying what type of leader you are; how to be an authentic leader; promoting vision, mission & values to your team; how to coach your team to success; and how to lead in a matrix environment.
  • How to coach your staff for success
    • Effective leaders provide clear direction, set meaningful and relevant goals, ensure their team has all the support needed to be successful and then get out of the way!!!
    • Too often, leaders get bogged down with day-to-day workload and pressures and leave their team feeling confused and demotivated.
    • Our program is based on the concept that a leader is most effective when they empower their team and ensure that all obstacles to their team's success are removed.  
    • We provide a "coach the coach" program that provides leaders with tools and strategies to ensure they are empowering their staff by giving them the tools and guidance to perform. 
  • Executive Coaching
    • We provide 1:1 coaching for executives to help them ensure their goals are aligned with their organization and team. Our coaching is based on a solution focused collaborative approach. We help guide individuals obtain clarity on areas for growth and development and help build an action plan to hold them accountable for following through on their commitments. 

KJ Performance Associates, Chicago, Illinois. Contact us at: info@kjperformance.com