Create the Career path that works for you

  • identify your strengths, purpose, and what motivates you to do great work

  • set your goals

  • build your plan

  • take action

  • trust the process & Enjoy the ride!

We provide professional coaching services to individuals and teams. Through our coaching program, individuals gain clarity on their current situation, identify their strengths and preferences, set meaningful and relevant goals, establish an action plan, and learn how to hold themselves accountable.

Our coaching philosophy is based on:

  • Active listening

  • Collaborative problem-solving

  • Goal-setting

  • Action plan and milestones

  • Solution-focused outcomes

  • Accountability


  • Individual professional coaching services to assist clients gain clarity and create a plan to guide their future career path.

  • We employ a collaborative solutions-focused approach that identifies a client's gifts and preferences, sets meaningful goals, understands the potential roadblocks, and builds an action plan with clear milestones and deliverables.

  • We are able to utilize a range of career and personality assessments to provide clients with greater insight into their preferred career path.

  • We provide a range of coaching support from ongoing sessions as clients work towards to their long-term goals to "use as needed" support when issues arise that require a coach to help find a more immediate solution.

  • Not sure if coaching is right for you? Our first consultation is always free and is designed to see if professional coaching is the right approach.


Team Coaching
  • We work with teams to support them as they work to understand their own strengths, preferences and areas for improvement, and align these to the respective strengths and talents of their colleagues.

  • We support individuals and teams as they develop clarity on how their roles align to the goals of the organizations and how they can deliver fulfilling and rewarding performance.

  • We employ a range of assessment tools to identify and understand the strengths, typical behaviors and working styles of individuals and teams.

  • Our coaching process takes a solution focused approach and emphasizes the gifts and talents of each individual and how this can be positively harnessed to the mutual benefit of the individual and organization.

  • Our team coaching services can be employed on a stand-alone basis or as an add-on to our team-building and team development programs.

KJ Performance Associates, Chicago, Illinois. Contact us at: