Meetings that make an impact

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  • We provide facilitation services to ensure your meetings are professionally managed and deliver the required outcomes.
  • As an independent meeting facilitator we can focus on getting group buy-in, staying on-task, time-keeping, identification of key action points, and agreeing next steps. 
  • Our meeting facilitation services emphasize a solutions-focused approach, ensure that all voices are heard and are part of the agreed outcomes, and that any potential areas of conflict are smoothly de-escalated and resolved. 
  • Our services can be used for one-off meetings or for a series of meetings such as a strategic planning process or any type of long-term project management.


  • We provide engaging team activities and ice-breakers to provide energy and enthusiasm to your staff meetings and conferences.
  • Our activities provide a highly engaging 'brain-break" and keep the energy and engagement at a high level during your meetings.
  • Our energizer program can be used as a kick-off and/or close to your meetings and conferences, or can be used throughout the day. 

KJ Performance Associates, Chicago, Illinois. Contact us at: